I have to prepare for war and death. Ten days from 6/8, consultation begins to determine the challenges implicated on myself. If I fail to show, every assessment increases in quantity and the risks of surviving decreases 10% per day thereafter, from 85%.
Person one to JAMES: what’s up ugly nigga
James: *stomps away like a bitch*
James the most incredible, one of a kind human being in the entirety of the universe and possibly the parallel universes as well. He is a fucking fun and interesting human being. James is the person that brings worlds together. I mean, think about he famous different people called James. James Dyson. James Cordyn. James Bond. James Blunt, not so much.
A Dick, a person who is a Dick. Don't be a James' (dick)
Don't be a James'
a really cool dood. who is soopa cool. he is veree good at evreething. he also has huj arms and is strong
that james is cool
A fat kid that smell and eats to much. He is racist and sexually disturbing to girls and family members. Has brown eyes and is not patient.
Girl. James is a fucking fat ads and smells a lot
Girl 2. Yeah
Soccer player. James tripped on the ball at tryouts
Soccer player 2. That’s not hard to do.
Dover play 1 he was standing still and was holding the ball.
a james is someone with a big dick
“ oh look it’s a james”
“he must have a big dick”
he will treat you like a slut, he will give the best sex ever. he’s a keeper!
1👍 1👎