Source Code

Yeo(n)jun remover

A remover for the popular Yeo(n)jun safe zone used in YouTube shorts and TikTok.

Yeo(n)jun remover (1 like = 1 yeonjun comment removed)


by Quarter Note Triplet October 18, 2023

quick drip n dip

sort of like a squirt n scram

taking a fast piss and leaving then immediately

that dude just pulled the quick drip n dip. didnt wash his hands or nothing. just pulled it out, handled business walked out of the bathroom and jumped straight into his car

by myst1drs April 22, 2011

The N-Word Pass

A majestic item that can be used only once to do anything, and it can only be gived to you by black people.

Yo, thanks for the N-Word Pass my -n word-

Your welcome, now give it back to me.

by bolivari May 25, 2023

Crab n' nad

Crab n' nad: having intense anal sex when a crab and squid are present

Crab n' nad:
“Hey bro why did you want to go to the aquarium so bad?”
“Oh I had to try some of that Crab n’ nad”

by LongCrabs March 23, 2019


the phrase that your dad should yell at you when you're about to be chased by a grizzly bear

Grizzly bear. *growls at you*

Your dad: FUCKING R U N

by Someonewhoisdefinitelynotyou June 19, 2023

Run n nut

When a male runs up to an unexpexting person and ejaculates onto them, then runs away.

Todd-"Logan ran up and came all over Mary"
Mark-"He just did a Run n nut"

by Gila guy June 11, 2016

the sweet n' sour pork treatment

It's when you tie the guilty person (male) to a chair, slather his junk in honey and then bring in a hungry pig.

Guy 1: So what did ya do to 'im?

Guy 2: Gave him the sweet n' sour pork treatment for doing my wife.
Guy 1: Nice.
Guy 2: Come again?

by Thxforyoureyesight February 20, 2025