A very petty individual that has a resting bitch face, doesn’t like Michael Jackson and has arthritis …really bad. Likes them young too
Don’t be a Joe, stay true to ya self
person one: hey I'm going to meet up with joe later
person two: who's joe?
person one: JOE MAMA
A "Joe" is an extraordinary being, and is like 5'8 in height, and screams a lot. You can also use the name in a joke like joe mama, as the name "Joe" is used instead of "your".
example 1 of "Joe":
Sum guy: You know Joe?
Sum other guy: Yea, that short and angry guy from TikTok.
Sum guy: Yea he is SOOOO short.
example 2 of "Joe":
Sum guy: Hey have you heard?
Sum other guy: No, what?
Sum guy: Joe got ligma!
Sum other guy: Who is Joe?
Sum guy: JOE MAMA! HAHAHHAHAHAh!!!!!1111!!1