Also known as ‘condensation’. This adjective embodies the feeling of a sweat like sensation commonly on a cold beverage or item when exposed to humidity causing water droplets on the surface.
Ewwwww, my iced tea has water sweat on it!
My cup is leaving water sweat all over the table!
Because he didn't trust his hose. -Shabbazz Spencer
I know this isn't a word or definition but I didn't know where to post it and I wanted to give the credit where it's due
Why was the pimp afraid to water his garden? Because he didn't trust his hose.
something your entirely neutral on or dont know how to respond to something
“wanna go bomb the middle east?”- a
“lukewarm water moment”- b
Water you keep in the trunk of the car
Bitch I'm thirsty go out and get me some of that trunk water
Water spots occur when you wash your cars windshield with hard water.. or something , and don't squeegee it off. Its similar to seman spots on a black shirt.
Dude, you got water spots on your windshield..... just like I left your mom last night after the funeral.
The act of filling a water balloon with piss and jizz instead of water, and launching it at your homies during a water balloon fight
We were having fun until Jake splashed me with a Golden Water Balloon
Tying your legs together and jumping in a lake with a rucksack full of rocks.
Keith thought he’d try an Alabama water snake to end it all.