A guy who talked to a bunch of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and accidentally caused more deaths than anyone else.
Christian: "My god is right!"
Muslim: "No mine!"
Jew: "No it's mine!"
A non existent being that apparently protects people and creates everything even though we all know nothing can protect you except yourself and the entire world was created by the big bang. The only good use of the word God is as an exclamation like "Oh my God".
Monks literally starve themselves and cut off their genitals to pray to their non existent god
God is a loving Father and friend. He wants the best for you and me. God is love and He loves us unconditionally. If you want to be saved and enter a kingdom of paradise when you die, reach out to God and create a relationship with Him.
y/n - "Dear God, I love You and I thank You for all that You do for me. Please make my heart Your home and help me be a light unto this world."
God - "I love you, my good and faithful child."
Christians belive in him he is leader of the world he created us
Person 1: Do you belive in god?
Person 2: yeah!