just a little food for thought
Daddy issues become daddies issues
A man on the verge of being a "daddy." A male who appears to almost have daddy energy, but may fully age into daddy-hood in about five years.
Ie: Henry Cavill circa 2022. "Henry Cavill isn't quite a daddy, he's more of a cusp daddy - give him five years."
Any Apple technical support advisor that resolves issues that otherwise could be easily resolved after spending 5 minutes on google.
"Hey, just cause I work here and fix problems doesn't make me your Apple Daddy."
A man who pays a woman's Target credit card bill in exchange for agreed-upon services.
Chandni: Damn, if I don't win the lottery, I'm going to need a Target daddy!
Older man who marries much younger immigrants
to arrange getting a green card for sex
My green card daddy is making sure I become a citizen
The point in a mans life in which he has kids and just lets go of physical appearance. Belly gets bigger, arms get floppy.
That Daddy stage got the best of Chris, I don't even recognize him anymore with that beer belly.
Steve "the hair" harrington😫😫
Daddy Steve touched my ass today.😫