Mingdaddy is a term used to describe a man with an unusual power over women.
A Male of supperior looks. A player of players. A romantic lady killer.
That O.G. has been a ming daddy since 1982!
My appointment to hammer the daddy pipe is tomorrow. Wish me luck!
A person who wears wife beaters with grease stains, smokes and drinks all day. Also breeds teacup alligators.
Ashlie smoked her weed and drank beer all day like a swamp daddy .
A man hailing from the swamps of the gulf coast region. A pimp by nature. One cool character. Keeps his pimp hand strong by keeping all his swamp hoe's and swamp baby mama's in check. His modo "Keep calm and swag on"
Person: that dude is one coolcat.
Person: Yeah he is a real Swamp Daddy!
A Dad who likes fugging people.
WOAH look it’s Daddy Fug.
Holy Peanut butter it is a Daddy Fug
The title you give someone who gives the best oral sex you've ever had in your life.
My boyfriend is the best work daddy.