used to describe those overly long and wild eyebrow hairs that seemingly come out of nowhere. Australia's former PM had them by the mile
"Yo probably need to pluck them John Howards before ytou go out tonight"
The worst PM from Australia's worst political party. Nobody ever saw his face because it was always buried in George Bush's ass. Was in talks to make australia the 51st state of America before the australian public grew more than 3 brain cells and voted him out.
Guy 1: I voted for John Howard
Guy 2: Calls police to remove the crazy psycopath from the streets.
The biggest creep in the world. Calls himself a physics teacher but is Jimmy Savile in disguise.
John Simmons is weird.
a new wrestler name made by freebeer big john stud , gay cuz big john slud
freebeer form the freebeerandhotwings show says
hey zane . yea they r showing highlights like when big john slud slams someone
A guy who's famous for being the world's famous spy, simultaneously making him the world's WORST spy.
"Dude, this new John Wick movie just came out! Wanna go see it?"
"They all have the same plot. Argh, who gives a crap they're good."
A player that can build the whole romanian empire in seconds if you shoot him.
I just shot a John Wick once he built like crazy
Somebody who is extremely good at what he does i.e games/football
" hey did you hear about * insert name *
" yeah, he's such a John Wick "