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N Word

The Word That Makes You Racist If You Say it And Can't Say Because That's Racist.

Person 1: I'm Gonna Say The N Word!
Person 1: N---- *ded*

by randompersonthattellsyoustuff August 10, 2020


N-Word is used to racistically say "Black Person". Was used in 19th century in USA because of slavery and racism. Today it´s used by racists or "Edge Lords".

1-Racist Swearing
2-Used by an Edge Lord(Not being racist, just sarcastic)

1-You are such an N-Word!
2-You stupid N-Word!

by I like to hate people April 26, 2019


what little kids that shouldn't be on effing Xboxpc/ps4 say to people who beat them in call of duty

random guy: *gets kill*

kid: i will say the n-word *says it*

by Josh dinkle November 4, 2020

N word

A word or a group of people hated by an individual who gets heatstrokes in winter to get attention.

Shes is such a N word let’s not take her to KD anymore

by On goodness November 23, 2021


The term used to refer to the racist swear word n*gger

That racist dude said the n-word

by Thijsje February 8, 2021

N Word

Euphemism used by the white devils in place of the world the word "Knucklehead" Black people get royally pissed if they hear white devils refer to them as either because it doesn't show the proper respect to their people. They demand the white devils give them that respect by referring to the black man as a Nigger. The white devils refuse because they don't like being referred to as a "kracka" The white devils insist they won't stop untill the black man shows respect and refers to the them devils as honkeys In the mind of the white devils they have already shown enough respect because they don't call black people "Raisins" Damn you. You white devils. You.

Fuck you n word. Better stop calling me a kracka. I don't cal you a raisin do I? Fuck no I call you a Knucklehead. So better start calling me a honkey before I lynch you ya fuckin jiggerboo

by Whitewomenlovethatniggaspear January 10, 2024

N word

The way someone that's too scared to say the actual word refers to it as. This whole word has a stupid concept and people refuse to let it go. They do not realize that this word wasn't meant for black people only, don't forget that this didn't just affect black people. Infact, it affected more people that WEREN'T black. It has history but the history most people know about only talks about it affecting blacks. This is just another excuse for racism and will for no reason whatsoever; be tolerated by society. The more you learn about this kind of stuff, the more you lose faith in society. Thanks for coming to my Ted-talk.

{discord user}That guy said the n word.. he's racist!!!! Ban him!!!

{User#2} ha ha, nigga
{discord mod}

by Anamol May 26, 2021