Source Code

Good & Gather

Pretty much Target brand.
Just a buncha food.
such as offbrand veggie straws or hard-boiled eggs or offbrand Lunchables.

I'm running out of names...
I'll just use placeholders.
Person 1: Just a quick Target run. Want anything?
Person 2: Nah, but I do want Good & Gather™ hard-boiled eggs.
Person 1: ok.
Off Person 1 went on a Target run.

by Orrinpants November 1, 2021

Pre-good luck

Wishing someone luck for something that would happen 24+ hours later.

Matthew: Wish me pre-good luck for my test please.

Person: Why? Is it difficult?
Matthew : Yeah bro
Person: Then I wish you pre-good luck bro.

by althenamesaretakenLOL March 12, 2020

good nom nom noming

A phrase by "ibuki mioda" from danganronpa : goodbye despair 2. she says it because during the morning, people like to eat breakfast.

"good nom nom noming"

by luvr4cats May 19, 2024

Yeah that’s good

See something and pretend to see how good they were

Guy: what ya got there

Gal: bae I’m pregnant

Guy: Yeah that’s good

by S0900 December 9, 2018

Good pick up lines

you must be from Tennessee cuz your the only ten i see.

Good pick up lines

by doctorcluck April 11, 2023

Good Nighty

A Good Nighty is a Message on Mainly Whatsapp That happens from around 20 to 21:30.

Its an Example of Love of a person that Knows much Exept his Own Emotions, and thus needs a diffrend way of Expresion then more Typical Activities.

A Good Nighty is more then a Good Night as a Good Night can happen anytime, but a Good Nighty Happens everyday and is Unique everytime, sometimes similar, and sometimes Drasticaly Diffrend.

Lastly its a Hobby of the Person doing it, and Even if the Person Responding to them may hurt the Writer of Good Nightys, The Maker never Backs down, Never Gives up, and will do so 'till death dose them apart.

Meenwhile, on Whatsapp:

✨️✨️✨️ITSSSSSSS 21!!!!!!!!!! >w<✨️✨️✨️
and in this Good Nighty, i have made an Urban Dictionary Deffinition, as Stated above every Good Nighty is Unique, and the Person doing it Seems to have Limitless Creativity <3

- Tino

by Cake God! The truth speaker May 8, 2024


1.) Tinos way of showing Love to the person he cares about like family, Elisabeth!

2.) a forever Creative way of making Good night message till the Heat death of the universe


Elisabeth: Sweet Dreams Puppy <3

by Cake God! The truth speaker November 28, 2023