Where guys have a baby shower for a guy whose wife is having a baby.....it can also mean a bunch of guys showering together. The meaning can be used interchangeably but aren't always, but most of the time they mean the same thing. So you choose.
We're having a guys shower with all the guys.
Often said sarcastically, it is used to exaggerate how awful something is. Sometimes it will be said in a strained voice and pronounced like Yisss Guuyss
"Do you want to watch My Little Pony?"
"Yes Guys, I totally love that"
national slap a guys ass day grants anybody the right to slap any guys ass.
national slap a guys ass day takes place may 5th
guy 1: whats up
guy 2: nothing much just national slap a guys ass day
guy 1: whats that?
guy 2: this *slaps ass*
national slap a guys ass day.
national slap aguys ass day takes place on may 5th
guy 1: whats up
guy 2: nothing much just national slap a guys ass day
guy 1: whats that?
guy 2: this *slaps ass*
If you are a Benjamin guy you typically have the bowel problems of a dead water hog and actually have undiagnosed IBS. They often think a sport (usually football),listening to the same overplayed song and selling stuff on depop is a personality a trait. However it is a known fact they have a lush girlfriend and people often wonder how he has bagged such a lushy cos she is way out of his league
‘Aw my god it absolutely boffs in here’
‘Yeah it’s that one who thinks he’s a mint footballer with the lush girlfriend benjamin guy’
If you are a Benjamin guy you typically have the bowel problems of a dead water hog and actually have undiagnosed IBS. They often think a sport (usually football),listening to the same overplayed song and selling stuff on depop is a personality a trait. However it is a known fact they have a lush girlfriend and people often wonder how he has bagged such a lushy cos she is way out of his league
‘Aw my god it absolutely boffs in here’
‘Yeah it’s that one who thinks he’s a mint footballer with the lush girlfriend benjamin guy’