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Fresh Meat

One of the greatest comedy series of all time

Friend 1:hey what are you watching
Friend 2: only one of the greatest comedy series ever created (fresh meat)

by .Ewan. August 29, 2022

Fresh meat

No man wants a old fucking women catch up man.

Fresh meat let's say we can start at 13 👍 go bananas lady's your a star till you tern 25

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 16, 2019

Chopping The Meat

To chop the meat is an action that takes place during a concert or while listening to music.

Place your inside hand on the subject's arm for starters. Begin the chopping motion on the subject's arm (not to hard)with your outside hand just below your "holding hand". Now move your "chopper" down the subject's arm slowly while chopping at a moderate to fast pace (keeping with the beat of the music).

by doodxor July 22, 2003

The other white meat

The common housecat. Felis Catus.

ALF's favorite food is "the other white meat"

by KungPaoMeow September 5, 2021

meat snuggling

When the act of snuggling consists of vagina and a penis.

Ashley and Timothy were caught meat snuggling in the woodshed.

by ButteryPorcupine May 22, 2016

Meat Yanker

In fancy terms: A masturbator connoisseur of the Male anatomy. A man or woman who enjoys tugging on penises as an extracurricular activity.

Aaron was "playing" on his PC late again last night but we all know he was just pleasuring himself again... he is such a meat yanker!

by Paco4u December 15, 2019

Hand Meat

The meat of the hand that is sought by a cicada when it is held and attempts to stab it's proboscis into said hand.

First thing it did when I picked it up was go after my hand meat!

by Ophidia_75 August 24, 2023