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To be overwhelmingly rejected by a company and/ or a large section of the American people. To be forced into a humiliating public apology against your wishes. To flip flop on a position after facing enormous public pressure.Similar to bitch-slapped.

He sure got rush-slapped today, 3 advertisers left his show.

by Sexxybeast1973 March 9, 2012

slap boy month

when all genders or sex’s have a chance to slap a boy anywhere you want without permission but you have to be friends with them.

-girl slaps a boys head- ‘ha i can slap you because it’s slap boy month’

by orangetamer October 5, 2020

slap ballss

Slap ballss means suck my dick. Or in other words (smd)

Friend: “You look mad ugly today.”
Me: “You know was slap ballss igh.”

by coochiedestoryer5 August 4, 2021

Viking slap

When you fuck your girlfriend so hard that your balls slap on her pussy

Her: I felt you Viking slap me.

Me: yeah my balls are sore from yesterday’s fuck.

by Urban_FroYo July 1, 2021

Viking Slap

When you fuck your girl in the ass while she’s on her period and proceed to pull out her tampon as you cum and slap her in the face with it, thus creating Viking like blood face painting.

Last night I ‘viking slapped’ Robyn and she looked like a true warrior!

by Load of Barney April 16, 2022

slap city

when something SLAPS so hard, it can be defined as slap city.

''This song is SLAP CITY bro''

by mikewizowski January 16, 2020

Friendship Slap

Two homies slapping their webbed scrotums together in a celebratory manner. Can be performed in place of a high-five.

"My Nordic brothers, let us rejoice in our shared heritage with a friendship slap!"

by Sticky Seed and Anime Shit October 15, 2021