Source Code

Good nilo

When you want to say hello during the night without using the common goodbye term - goodnight, and instead using a phrase to greet.

You: Good Nilo!
Friend: good nilo to you too!

by Pokeminer3000 June 8, 2022

Good Nilo

If you want to say good night and hello at the same time, instead of using the common phrase 'good night' as a goodbye term

You: Good Nilo friend!

Friend: Good nilo to you too!

by Pokeminer3000 June 7, 2022

Good riddance

Two people be fookin and suckin each other

Hell yeah if they say this they def be fuckin, “Good riddance we def fuckin”

by Blosclassiest December 26, 2020

Good Confuse

When someone says/does something or an event unfolds that your mind can not comprehend. When something catches you off guard. Only to be used when you need a way to say you are more than just confused, but the situation has done you a good confuse.

*Kyle and Jason walk into a 7-11 to purchase a large quantity of slim jims

Kyle: "Yo J, where are all the long bois at?"
Jason: "I dont even know dawg, they should be right here in these empty boxes that say sold out, but they're not! Doin me a Good Confuse!"

by FryradDarad January 14, 2020

your a good piece

A good piece of ass, a good lay

Kristy your a good piece!

by Chipp,RN June 19, 2017

good smacks

Weed that is so strong/potent that it smacks you right on the couch.

Me and the boys got some good smacks this weekend!

Damn bro those are some good smacks.

by Dr Majocks May 6, 2019

Cordelia Goode

Cordelia Goode the only supreme!

Cordelia Goode - the supreme of the world

by nofacenocaseperiodt August 22, 2021