when something SLAPS so hard, it can be defined as slap city.
''This song is SLAP CITY bro''
Two homies slapping their webbed scrotums together in a celebratory manner. Can be performed in place of a high-five.
"My Nordic brothers, let us rejoice in our shared heritage with a friendship slap!"
To render someone shocked by images in
a search engine.
Teacher told us to put "the birth of Jesus" into the search engine & I got google-slapped before I got to the Jesus part - yuck!
Google-slap: verb- the flick of the wrist to show someone the info on your cellphone, proving the statement they're making or just made, is wrong.
"Dude was trying to say some bullshit about London being the capitol of Paris, so a bunch of us whipped out our phones and GOOGLE-SLAPPED him into submission. The party was much more fun without that blowhard's continuous bs."
When you slap your cock against your keyboard for 2+ hours in order to do the following actions:
1. Create an MLG video.
2. Create a "Shrek is love, Shrek is life" video
3. Anything else I guess is possible if Donald Trump can become president.
I wanted to send my friend a Snapchat, so I did a keyboard slap
Slap on the tour bus: We’re getting slapped on the tour bus.
"Billy goat slap" the action where you grip your scrotum with your hand and slap someone with your balls
Donny billy goat slapped your mom