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Ephesians 1:3

Noun; The act of several men in skin colored gimps suits performing a boococky whilst on 10 foot tall A-frame latters.

A sex act based on the line in Ephesians talking about the Lords love coming from above.

Just like the in the Bible, she felt the love from on high, when she received an Ephesians 1:3 from the boys.

by vesu December 22, 2018

3 Girls 1 Cup

Just like 2 girls 1 cup but Elyse is the 3rd girl who eats everyone’s poop.

Did you know 3 girls 1 cup was Elyse’s debut film?

by Urlilangel June 21, 2022

1👍 1👎

unit 3

THE SHITTIEST UNIT AT UC BERKELEY. The people are rad but the building is hellish. Mad athletes (NOICE).

"Those boys are hot, they must be from unit 3. AKA Unit third-world."

by zahrye October 11, 2013

3 Sheets

Drunk as fuck. When ur straight up blacked.

Olga: Why the fuck is there a huge ass dent in the front of your car?

Jacque: I was 3 Sheets last night and I hit a small antelope.

by Fuckthatnoise July 23, 2021


A Slang writing for A.I.M Meaning: rock out, rock, or, rock on..!

My favorite music is *3*

by enanymous April 23, 2008

Nov 3

Match with with someone you want to be with forever

Guy "hey it's Nov 3"
Girl "so?"
Guy "i wanna be with u forever so let's match"

by Monkey cobra November 2, 2023

the new 3

The next Allen Iverson

I swear I’m gon’ be the new 3”

by ttterkel January 8, 2018