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rim o clock

the time of day when everyone gets free rim jobs

Dale be at the library for rim o clock

by DaleTheTrapSnail October 30, 2015


the best human being on this planet. The funniest, smartest, just overall greatest person to be around. Search exotica2.o on TikTok and follow them or you're a slob.

Pete: I wish I was exotica2.o
exotica2.o: Stfu Pete you homeless fatherless bitch, you could never be as flawless as me.

by skhellascared April 20, 2022


The best person on the planet. Gorgeous, smart, funny, better than you.

Pete: I wish I was exotica2.o
Exotica2.o: shut up Pete no one love you

by skhellascared April 21, 2022


A word you say when something exciting is going to happen.

If something fabulous and exciting is going to happen, and you cannot contain or keep your emotions inside, you say "quash-o-meanie, quash-o-meanie, quash!"

by phantomxoxo December 18, 2009


Someone who bails repeatedly when trying to learn a trick in BMXing, Skateboarding, etc...


2: you're just having a bail-o-rama

by BAILMANIA July 19, 2011


Typical Republican

Republicans want Theocracy, they are '"Christ-O-Fascist'"

by LordEric April 7, 2022

T-Pain o' Clock

A quicker way of saying 5:00 A.M.

~phone rings~
Person 2: Hello…
Person 1: Yo, Derp!
Person 2: Dude… WTF! It's five in the morning!
Person 1: I know that it's T-Pain o' Clock, but hear me out!

by Derpshotz July 8, 2013