When a party of 2 or more bro's consume at least 6 beers each and just be a bro.
Bro #1: My girlfriend is being such a cunt right now.
Bro #2: You know what you need bro?
Bro #1: What?
Bro #2: A bro down.
When a friend drops off the grid because he/she have over committed to a relationship far too early
Is Daniel Brown with his new girlfriend, again, bro-down
coined by the creators of South Park, a bro-down is when two bros head off in an intense battle where they keep saying either "whats up bro?" or "I respect you bro"
that was one serious bro-down they just had
The 2020 verison of “That’s the tea, sis”. Come on, people! Let’s get this trend going! New decade, new you. Peel me an orange= tell me. Juicy orange= hot gossip
Person 1: I just heard that Jessica and Aaron broke up!
Person 2: Ooh! That’s the oranges, bro.
The definition of someone having amazing singing skills that they do not need the help of autotune to make their singing better.
"Bro doesn't need autotune. He sings so well."
Logan really cool guy a little fluffy gives good advice Always there
Logan my bro he’s a really cool guy to hang with
Brothers, bound by DNA, who established an institution or corporation. Could also be two great friends who own a business together.
As Bro-founders, John and Jack really collaborate on a different level.