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through my eyes, out my ass

The written word variant of 'in one ear, out the other.'
When a message is read but not comprehended because you didn't care or were distracted.

Nick: did you get my text? Or my email?!
Crystal: yeh I did, but they went through my eyes, out my ass.

by mong returns August 15, 2011

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i could commit crimes with those eyes

you watched the new cody ko video "mom roasts her son's flirting" and are just as confused as sir ko here.

'hey baby your so fine i could commit crimes with those eyes'.... "what does that even mean fuckface, leave me alone"

by elkie June 24, 2021

spit some beech nut in your eye

The act of putting a wad of tobacco in yer lipper and spitting a stream in another mans or womans eye

Andy here gets angry at his teacher so he puts in a nice ole wad an he "spit some beech nut in your eye" causing severe pain and blindness.

by Hanks Jr. February 19, 2014

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Sorry for looking into your eyes without permission

"Sorry for looking into your eyes without permission" is a trend on TikTok where if you watch a video like a spirit sighting or something, you have to say "Sorry for looking into your eyes without permission" or else the spirit will haunt you until you die.

That is obviously fake since you can't get curses via bluetooth.

Random guy: *sees an unnerving video*
Random guy: oh my god i'm sorry for looking into your eyes without permission
Random guy number 2: bruh you can't get curses via bluetooth wtf

by DaFunniPoley September 8, 2023

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Shitting Through the Eye of a Needle at 40 Paces

Projectile Diahorrea condition

If I continue to eat these cheese covered pepperoni sticks, I will be shitting through the eye of a needle at 40 paces by this time tomorrow.

by 4sail July 7, 2006

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Queer eye for the Hi-5

A symbolic handshake that originated from the indiginous tribe of ballwashers from CHRW. This gesture is usually followed with an annoying cat call that resembles a dying Ostrich: "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah"
Only queers, ballwashers and cockgobblersof similar creeds can use this gesture - it is forbidden for anyone else.

John: "I am the greatest living human
being ever."
Acorn: <Hi-5 slap! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHH!!!"

by Smaug the Dragon February 24, 2004

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Transformers More Than Meets The Eye (MTMTE)

When the war ended, Rodimus prime and his crew set-off on their Starship "The Lost Light" to find the Knights of Cybertron, The Engines unfortunately malfunctioned, and almost everyone was blasted off into outer-space. The Survivors of the Lost light came looking for the Crew that disappeared, which Skids, a theoretician was invited onto the Lost Light. A lot happened in between, but then the Dark Cybertron Series was released, and it featured Shockwave making a duplicate of Metroplex, the Necro-titan, to attack or to hold off the Autobots and The Decepticons while they are trying to prevent Shockwave From Ruling all over the universe. That is when Megatron, tortured, ripped in half, and turned into a portal by Shocwave, comes in. He formed an alliance with the autobot Bumblebee to stop Shockwave from accomplishing his plan. Someone in the scene that figured out a way to stop the Necro-titan (forgot his name, sorry!) But it is required with Metroplex's Thumb, which was found in space. Megatron, with his new ability to teleport, he teleported Metroplex's thumb into Metroplex's palm, and somehow healing him and the other's around him, defeating the Necro-titan in the process. After that, Shockwave murdered Bumblebee by blasting a hole right through Bumblebee's chest. Megatron then furiously battled Shockwave. After "A Lot Of Things", Megatron then decided to become an Autobot.

Transformers More than Meets The Eye (MTMTE) is one of the Best Comic Books Ever!

by Megabombs April 12, 2018