Green or being green is when someone is friendly. Matter a fact too friendly it’s like when someone is like a hoe ahh nigga or sb a bitch. If a girl tell me she gon get her nigga to fight me ,Me saying he a bitch is that same thing as me calling him green.
“U see that nigga over there”?
“Hell yea he green as fuck(af)”!
It basically means that your lame or sometimes used to describe boring situations
Man this class is is green asf
You mean lame?
Its the same thing.
It means you go like that. Like suck dick or sum shit like that
“Bruh, did u hear that rumor?
“ Mostly all the girls in our school is green “
A person who always makes you laugh, the person that you relate to the most. The person that can always make you smile when you’re at your worst...
Them: “Hey what am I too you?”
Me: “my green...”