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Recession Pop

Ok youre poor and you have no prospects but hey, isn’t this song good?

Iconopop, Black Eyed Peas, Lil Wayne, Leona Lewis, LMFAO, Soulja Boy, Timbaland, Recession Pop Legends

by upstreamculotte September 7, 2024

779👍 599👎

pop shuvit sex change

A lame skateboarding trick, reserved for kids that solely play game of skate. A equivalent lame sight would be a vaping clown riding a unicycle while juggling

Kid: "I recently learned a pop shuvit sex change"
(Hopefully) you: "You're off track, that is a styleless trick. People will most likely think it's lame"

by randomguyontheinternet123 March 30, 2019

Pop idol

Its not just a show.

Its a Japanese pop culture meaning where young teens or adults that are celebrities pretty much be celebrities and are expected to be a role model

Person 1:Omg did you see Misa on T.V last night

Person 2 :Yes, she was awesome
Person 3 :She's so my role model
Person 4 : geez, she's just a pop idol
Person 1, 2, and 3: SHUT UP

by The red haired Aries July 22, 2017

Pecker pop

When yo girl twists yo pecker until it pops

My girl gave me that pecker pop.

by Batboi December 23, 2020

pop dust

Another phrase used for a line of cocain

Yo come pop dust

by Yxng bois September 7, 2017

Wolly pop

To punch someone in an uppercut manor or to simply knock them out.

I’m gonna wolly pop your bitch ass!

by Migggy August 12, 2020

Fudge Pop

A fudge pop is where a girl will shit on your dick, and then suck it off as it I were a fudge pop.

Man she was so kinky I let her give me a fudge pop!

by Young_King_811 January 3, 2019