n. The character you play as in a video game. Only used when the name of the character is unknown and if the character is a male. Usually comes after 'my'.
a figure representing Guy Fawkes, burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes' Night, and often displayed by children begging for money for fireworks.
The kids paraded their homemade guy down the street, hoping for a bounty of pennies.
A brilliant mate with lots of friends , very popular in school and is a girl magnet he loves his friends and create about his family , he is the best person on your life so if you know one don't let him go
A man with a massive cock, sexy body and overall goodlooking.
Has the personality of a golden retriever and usually good with women.
Sometimes used as a way to describe a friend who is always there for you.
Holy shit who is that Guy
OMG he's so Guy