Person that looks very young in there 30s even good looking still. Will always attract girls by just looking into there own eyes and are most likely to be successful in life. Known for there style like there hair, are also extremely kind and loyal. Are very talented and known to be a nice person.
"Wow! G-Ray is the most nicest person i ever meet!"
"G-Ray is so cool"
"I might want to go out with G-Ray"
The final stage of Ohio boredom. This word is from if you start typing from 1, and type diagonally until 8, then you type on the next row
Man, I cant belive I typed 1m2n3b4v5c6x7z8l9k0j-h=g. I'm just bored.
Fuck kanye west this is the REAL GOD
Also known as EL CECI ✝
U best listen Cecilio G.´s new hit hoe cuz i´ll kill u if u don´t
Abbreviation of ass into gear
C'mon Geoffrey, we're already five minutes late, so get your a into g!
A collective of one or more people decides to engage In a illegal action such as forced intercourse/ unwanted sexual relations by multiple people , or non citizens contained in gangs, ect engage in this activity in prison and outside of prison for self pleasure regardless of them around them and within.
Mike dropped the soap in C-Cell 1 and got G-Raped for being a…
A cooler way to say community garden, and an illuminating jab at Freemasonry.
Everyone's invited.
Meet us at the community g-spot in Gräfenberg, we are hosting an open mic and having dinner.
not a nice place to live, really dirty sink and there is always salt in your tea
his new place is such a flat G