An Ugly fish that lives in the middle of the park in the pond.
Hobbies: Netflix and chill
Common known as a jiggles
Wow, that's the fish, Yup Him Fish
When you're nondiscrimatorily swiping right on a dating app, such as Tinder, in order to collect and filter through matches much like how fish nets are used by fisherman.
Person 1: "why are you swiping right on everyone?"
Person 2: "haven't had much luck lately so I'm just fish Netting to see what's out there."
Using Chat GPT or other AI services to fool someone into maintaining a romantic relationship with you, often to extract resources or money.
Man. Ever since Nigerian scammers started using A I., their chat fishing game is next-level!
Going to Costa Rica to legally bang prostitutes. Generally used as a disguise to a wife or girlfriend.
Bill: "wow, you got a tan where have you been"
Jon: "fishing in Costa Rica."
Bill: "oh yea what did you catch"
Jon: "two russians, a columbian, and some kind of asain"
A biscuit is a biscuit that are shaped like fish, usually referring to a food snack that you eat.
(Steve) Hey, I need some fish biscuits, i'm Hungary!
(Alex) Here, no more starving!
from the word "suspicious".
Used to pertain to something or some event that is suspicious or sketchy.
I wouldn't take that offer, it sounds like a sus-fish.
Where did you get that? The seems like a sus-fish to me...
Don't know what it is? Oh I know! Its a sus-fish!
Fish & chip news is a phrase used to describe something that’s in the newspaper, but is so uninteresting / not important that the newspaper it has been printed on is later used to wrap up somebody’s Fish & Chip.
“Did you read the news about that old woman who got robbed last Thursday?”
“Yeah,, but I only glanced at it. It’s Fish & Chip news”