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It means everything is okay or the plan is good to go.

Person 1: “Shawty we can slide right?”
Person 2: “Yeah gang we green”

by Bavaj November 23, 2021



Sometimes life is just green.

by Emigreen February 25, 2022


Someone who is willing to perform sexual acts with little hesitation.

I used to talk to her but she green fool.

by bjune1234 July 1, 2019


The color that's really driving many people if not most beneath the surface, no matter what they wanted to do when they grew up as a kid, or what they claim to be passionate about/experienced with/skilled at the age they are now. Red and blue, be it a political party (Democrat or Republican) or a gang (Bloods and Crips) is really just an afterthought for most people that seem to belong to it (part of the collective whole, the machine) on the surface.

Dollar signs are green no matter what political party or gang people claim to be affiliated with, and they are what many if not most people seem to want, what makes them tick or motivates them. Sometimes you don't even have to take something apart to know what is in it, it's already right in front of you.

by The Original Agahnim November 22, 2021


The most potent weed bro

Guy: want some green bruv?
Guy2: aint no way, shut you ass up before i run yo fade

by Dontoviler April 30, 2024


kind of whorish

I think green is kind of whorish

by ChreesWright7 September 26, 2021


The sacred first hit of a newly packed bong or bowl, valued for being a perceived better quality and stronger hit of marijuana.

Xander: "yo, you want greens?"
Seamus: "Word"

by Professor McGreeragall December 8, 2018