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Tub n' Toke

Smoking marijuana whilst taking a bubble bath. The Tub n' Toke is the only think more relaxing than a shower beer.

Keisha (in a new england accent): Wanna relax with a showah beer?
Ralphie: no lets draw a bath, and Tub n' Toke
Ms. Frizzle: Seatbelts everyone!

by Creator of the Shower Beer February 21, 2014


N-trip is a nickname for the NSSSA, which stands for Nova Scotia Secondary Schools Students Association. A non-profit student led leadership organization that focuses on building leadership skills, teamwork skills, and confidence! ... The most amazing thing you will ever expierience.

Joe- I love N-trip.
Peter- What's N-trip?
Joe- It's a nickname for the NSSSA!!
Peter- OH! N-trip is amazing!

by coolpersonexclamationmark September 5, 2009


A very angry way of saying noob, perhaps you may say this to your sibling when they sucked your toes at night.

Mum/Mom: Dearest, I would love for you to become a doctor

?: But Mother, I do not know of such methods

Mum/Mom: N O O B

by The simpo May 22, 2021

W a g w a n

Wagwan - Translated to "What going on" or "Whats up" usually used if you are a so called "roadman" (a person who usually goes round on a bike wearing all branded tracksuits smoking weed and drinking alcohol). A popular phrase people use with the word "Wagwan" is "Wagwan piff ting" - usually meaning "Whats going on hot (sexy) one"

Roadman: " Wagwan piff ting, hows you?"
Roadman: " W a g w a n!!!"

by lufc.11 February 26, 2019

three men i n a tub

basically, the three men in gracies tub are lumpy, dave nevarro, and dave grohl

"thats one steamy shower!"

by Jessie January 25, 2004

nag 'n brag

To complain about something that you paid or will pay for. A service for example (at a bar, restaurant, hairdresser, Flight etc)

After complaint you got a form of compensation (free drinks, discount etc.) and then you brag about to other people how successful you where. then you Nag 'n brag

«Dude i got this drink for free, because I spotted some lipstick on my glass, I got skillz» «You are totally Nag 'n bragin»

by Mr.Grincat November 17, 2017

Yoda says the N Word

Yoda: Say the N Word, I must
Luke: You can't say that word, Yoda
Yoda: Yes I can, you nigg
Luke: *shoots Yoda before he can finish saying the word

Yoda says the N Word

by Gopher7923 March 21, 2024