The most talented man I know. Tall, handsome with a great smile and a killer personality. Uber talented attorney, 2nd degree black belt, karate badass! Kickboxer, surfer, guitar rockstar…the best sense of humor ever! Can make you laugh til you cry! A consummate gentleman…but knows exactly when not to be! MEOW! Has the most piercing blue eyes that seem to look into the depths of your soul! Be careful not to trip over his awesomeness because it’s literally like everywhere!
Did you see that guy? He is such a James! I would do anything he wanted! I told my boyfriend to level up… and be more like James!
James, the Christian
Need I say more.
Guy 1: You see that guy over there?
Guy 2: Who? James?
Guy 1: Yea, James, he's a total Christian
Oh james... james is fucking legend with one hell of a cock
James is always the hot kid in your class who will show you how to always be yourself and will love you no matter what.
hey James asked me out
james is a very very very very very very very very very very very cool person and has a penis the size of 300 meters and an absurd amount of hoes that are sucking his succulent cock
wow look at all those hoes sucking his cock that must be a James
James definitely fucks men on the low but loves being homophobic
James is the new Chad