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Chatham good morning

A Chatham Good Morning, named for the Cape Cod town, is a breakfast consisting of a cup of clam chowder and a doughnut.

After that Chatham Good Morning, I knew I could accomplish anything that day.

by GoddardRocket123 May 26, 2023

totally good day

Neo-Nazi dogwhistle that stands for total gypsy death

John: have a totally good day
Richard: get away from me nazi

by Sokoly June 2, 2024

an actual good human being

Lily Loud

Lily Loud is the genuinely REAL definition of an actual good human being, as well as Wilbur Wilson.

by Jurgen Sebastian (stupid bitch February 8, 2025

im so good

the one phrase of word said by every toxic degenerate everytime they win a match in a video game

im so good at this game that its not even fun anymore, get on my level you skillless single digit iq ape

by YeetusOffACliff February 28, 2021

Good nap

When it's past midnight and you say goodnight but when it's really morning , so you end up saying Good nap.

Texting after midnight

Friend 1 : alright goodnight.
Friend 2: alright goodnight, or should I say good morning.
Friend 1: yeah you're right it's morning but it feels weird .
Friend 2: in that case "Good nap".

by Potatowarrior7 August 30, 2023

Good "Bye"bbles

An addition to the GTA term "Good Bobbles" where you hit someone over the head with a pool cue. Normally, the term is "Good Bobbles", but if they die after being whacked in the head by a pool cue, you MUST say "Good "Bye"bbles".

*Hits an innocent bystander with a pool cue, expecting to say "Good Bobbles"*
*Bystander dies*
You: "Well shit, good "bye"bbles then..."

by Kazuhira Ryuzaki October 5, 2020

Heaven Good Deeds

good deed: assistance, Happiness, courtesy, Team worker, and helping hand, checking in on someone well being physically and mentally, Encouraging Relationship goals, Church, non-critical, Do No Harm, No -mis guided teaching.

Related phrases
"Do a good deed" is a collocation that means to intentionally do something kind or helpful. For example, "I felt I was doing a good deed by offering to do her shopping for her".

Legal deeds
A deed can also refer to a legal document used to transfer ownership of property. Deeds can be gift deeds, warranty deeds, or mortgage deeds, Digital Cop Presence team deed , Spiritual Cops deed, team and lawyers team deed and Judge team deed , Spiritual business team, Spiritual Food and Spiritual Fashion, copyright and trademark, Spiritual Love, Spiritual speaking, teaching, speeches, Developing social media influencer or Ambassador and Spiritual Money too etc.

My Heaven good deeds or safe Haven of like minded individuals good deed: assistance, Happiness, courtesy, Team worker, and helping hand, checking in on someone well being physically and mentally.

Good deeds and work, or simply works, are a person's (exterior) actions and deeds that align with the moral teachings, emphasizing compassion, charity, kindness.
good deed: assistance, Happiness, courtesy, Team worker, and helping hand, checking in on someone well being physically and mentally, Encouraging Relationship goals, Church, non-critical, Do No Harm, No -mis guided teaching.

by Smoothie8girl February 12, 2025