A school that is complete shit as teaching (white) kids and anyone who is somewhat normal. The PE teachers are pedos. Everyone's antisocial or a sjw and nobody can take anyone else who doesn't look ASIAN or INDIAN.
I hate Dougherty Valley High School.
18đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž
1. A Decile 9, Single sex Girls State School in Dunedin, New Zealand.
2. The 6th oldest single sex state school for girls in the world
3. The Oldest one in Australasia
4. Also known as Ho-g's
Person: What school do you go to?
Student: otago girls high school
Person:.... ho-g's??
18đź‘Ť 6đź‘Ž
Paul VI or PVI is a Catholic High School located in Haddonfield, NJ. Supposedly its a good school and its fun and shit. Hah not at all. I wake up every morning hoping that I get raped just so I can miss one day. Unfortunately, it never happens. Thus, day after day, I go to school and sit in my useless class while my teachers talk about shit that I'll never use nor will I even care about. Then you get a free period which is our fucked-up version of a lunch period and study hall all rolled up into one hell filled 43 minutes. At free the fries are either uncooked or rock hard so either way you are fucked sideways. If your lucky, you might have a few friends to sit with but if not, have fun being Steven Glansburg. This year, however, they added one good thing, flex days. One cycle day is stretched out over 2 days so each period is 70 minutes which completely blows but halfway through the day you have a whole period to do whatever you want. Our sports teams are either very good or just suck. Normally we suck except for out boys cross crountry team who won about 48 trillion years in a row but either way no one really cares about them. Our mascot is the Eagles. Yes, very original considering that we are about 15 minutes away from the Philadelphia Eagles. Also another good thing about this school is that about 95% of this school gets drunk every weekend so that always good but nowadays what school isn't like that. Overall PVI isn't good. If you got a choice, get out as soon as you you can.
PVI Student:Are you going to Paul VI High School next year?
8th Grader:Idk i hope not, I heard it sucks.
PVI Student:It sure does.
98đź‘Ť 49đź‘Ž
A school filled with eloquent and beautiful young women who love to be amazing and unique. But weirdly the creatures from Jamaica College have a strange obsession with these girls who want to have absolutely nothing to do with them.
"Hey Look a St Andrew High school girl" "yeah she's so pretty but why is that JC boy spying on her in the bushes?"
11đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž
A place where the bitches are ugly. Every dude thinks he can fight, and you find dip cans in the bathroom. The rednecks park in the front and the normals park in the back. If your truck isn’t above 6 inches off the ground they’ll jump you. The pep rally’s tend to have broken microphones, and the football players get hyped for no reason. The softball team is all lesbian. The baseball team is sus. Soccer is gay. Tennis won 1/10 state championships. Cheer and band aren’t sports. That’s it. That’s stone. Oh yeah and everyone’s parents are either crackheads with fucked teeth or they ride around with a 12 gauge.
“Do you think her parents are crackheads?”
“Of course, she goes to stone county high school”
9đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
South River is a wretched school full of the most disgusting and vile people imaginable. The Teachers have to deal with asshole kids on the daily which makes them grumpy and it turns into a vicious cycle. Everyone that goes here thinks that they are the shit, but in reality they’re all stuck up. It has a mixture of ghettos, preps, and rednecks with Crofton kids sprinkled in between. The bathrooms smell like mangos.
Employer: on a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you enjoy your highschool experience?
Me: 0. I went to South River High School
9đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
A shitty rough school full of eshays and druggo teenagers. Grade 7s act like they’re tough as shit. Principal and Deputy Principal are real tosspots as are most of the teachers. Bullying is never dealt with and you’d get a detention for wearing black socks instead of white. Enter this school at your own risk.
James: Hey bro, what school ya go to?
Henry: Elanora State High School, man.
James: I’ll pray you get out alive, bro.
10đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž