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Trump shot

When banging a SJW and are about to cum on her (hopefully on her face) you yell MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I was banging this SJW type the other day and gave her the biggest trump shot

by Don Julio the magic Juan August 2, 2017


The act of making EVERYTHING in the universe about yourself

She is a bit self centered, her trump-itis rages when anyone asks her to discuss ANY topic. It turns out whatever she is asked to discuss is picking on her.

by You rReal Name March 1, 2020

Lily & Barron Trump

Lily and Barron Trump in love forever!

Lily and Barron sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.

Haha! Just had to do that. But in all seriousness, I know Lily and she told be she is super in love with Barron Trump. Barron Trump is the son of Donald Trump and he told me he's really into Asian girls. I can tell because he used to love drawing anime and anime girls with big boobs, but his dad being a boomer thought he was drawing Chinese Communist cartoons.

Sunny's mother Sarah is a dumbass bitch who thinks Leon is in love with Lily, but Leon explicitly told me he only dates Black or Latina girls and he's already dating a Latina girl named Jesus Christ (weird name...I know) who is from Colombia.

But anyways, I'm super excited to see the amazing anime adventures Barron Trump draws next when he and Lily become a couple. Hopefully his dad doesn't get mad at him for drawing Chinese cartoons...😂

Lily & Barron Trump in Love forever!

by SunnyIsntLeonsSoulmate January 7, 2024

Trump Dumbass Syndrome

A psychological condition wherein individuals exhibit unwavering support for Donald Trump, regardless of his actions, statements, or behavior. Symptoms include a chronic inability to recognize faults, a propensity to deflect criticism with conspiracy theories, and an unshakeable belief that "alternative facts" are just as valid as reality. Often accompanied by an aversion to credible news sources and an inexplicable affection for Twitter rants. Commonly diagnosed in echo chambers and political rallies. Treatment is rare, as patients are typically resistant to evidence-based interventions.

Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Rudy Giuliani continued to defend every action with fervor, clearly exhibiting a severe case of Trump Dumbass Syndrome (TDS).

by AB1971 May 31, 2024

trump nicotine syndrome

Anyone whose mother seems like she may have smoked and or drank during pregnancy.

I think that guy may have the Trump Nicotine Syndrome (TNS).

by Bobuzan December 9, 2018

Trump H.O.E

An old man who is the president who is a hoe:High On Egirl,also meaning he really ate up that egirl

Me:You know that guy who owns Trump Tower?
My Friend:Yea.
He is a trump H.O.E

by NJoseph110 January 29, 2019

Trump it

Not making an effort to conceal lies

Mike: Apologies for not handing in my homework Sir, but my dog ate it. He's really on edge lately because the Chinese government is eating our children.
Steve: Dude, you always have to trump it

by OinkItsBoink August 19, 2020