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Big sad

when your friend is just mean because you gave them a compliment

Did you hear what happened? no. She gave him a compliment and he was rude so she became big sad

by sudjahxis May 6, 2019

23πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

so sad

Sam old stuff another day

If you ask me what I think about the latest political speeches I would have to say So Sad.

by Randy Fitzwater August 15, 2007

29πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

inexplicable sadness

The feeling you get after you've been drinking heavily for several days and suddenly stop.

After that bender last week I caught a case of the inexplicable sadness.

by JP408 June 7, 2007

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sad pants

A variation on sad panda. When you're so sad, you need an inanimate object to describe the depths of your despair.

Tia: "I can't believe we missed our flight!"

Kai: "Sad pants."

by blackdogeater August 3, 2011

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strip sadness

The feeling of intense depression that overwhelms you when you find out your favorite strip club is closing.

Duder 1: "Yo mang, what's wrong with your sad ass?"

Duder 2: "You didn't hear that Lusty's is closing? I been thinking about killing myself all week."

Duder 1: "Whoa dude that blows. Let's go get rid of your strip sadness by rubing one last one out."

by westfalia April 23, 2010

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Big Sad

A devastating sadness- usually used to describe rejection.


β€œUrban dictionary has decided to not post your definition”

β€œBig Sad!!”

by Super accurate and factual July 29, 2020

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Sad Kid

You call a kid this just to make him mad. He may not actually be sad, but by calling him Sad Kid you may provoke him to end up being a Sad Kid. It's basically taking one of your friends and giving him a nickname he doesn't want. It's like trolling, you just do it to get a reaction.

Freind 1: Hey look it's Jordan!

Friend 2: Who? Oh you are talking about Sad Kid.

Sad Kid: Im not sad!

Friend 2: I think you are Sad Kid because I just lost the game.

Sad Kid: No im really sad.

by Johnny Pirate. August 1, 2010

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