Source Code


When roads are covered with far too much salt to melt the ice and snow and it gets all over cars and clothing.

My car used to be blue, now it is grey. They must have a-salt-ed the roads.

by Geo Joe January 12, 2011

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Home alone vaccuming while naked and getting yourdick stuck in the vaccum, while your foreskin begins to peel

Last night my grandparents walked in on me while i was getting vj-ed. I wish they had not seen it.

by Blob Joe April 29, 2011

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Somebody does somethin mad!

Dave: Im goin basejumpin off a cliff without a parachute.
Me: Yea? Sick-ed!

Me: Look at that guy over ther ready 2 jump off that building!
Stu: Sick-ed

by Mart-Bury May 6, 2009

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ED hague

oggg some yoo! swag m8 fill da beast!!!!!!

oh spit dats ed hague

by Harry m8s March 1, 2017

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Ed Massage

An intensely relaxing massage given by Ed Crankshaft to his family and friends. When he does it, they sigh in relief. Most notably given when one of his family or friends is stiff or tired at the end of the day. An Ed Massage is very soothing. It often includes the sea foam green lotion known as Edward Ocean. If you want something that won't take a lot of time, don't head for a massage parlor - try an Ed Massage. And remember, Ed Crankshaft sent you!

Pickles: Hey Ed, I'm so sore. Chasing Homer around the garden really took a lot out of me. Its rough being a cat.

Ed: Well, that's no problem. How about an Ed Massage? (he takes a spoonful of the Edward Ocean) Here's comes the massage plane into the hangar! Zoom! (he starts Pickles' fur)

Pam: Oh no, I've been walking all day. Did I see you giving Pickles an Ed Massage? I need one too!

Ed: Okay, easy, easy now. This is going to be good. This is sweet. (he starts rubbing Pam's feet) You poor little chick. Daddy knows what to do.

Ed: (while sitting in front of the bonfire he feels a twinge in his back) Oh no, now I need an Ed Massage. Give me that Edward Ocean, would ya? (he rubs some onto his back) There! That's better. That felt good.

Pam: Do you want me to do all over? I mean, not just your feet, but whole body? I can do that if you want me to.

Ed: Sweet! My whole body feels rough. I haven't had an Ed Massage in days. I just need to warm up is all. Ed Massages rock! One of the best ways to relax after a hard day.

Pickles: Right on! Even an old mudcat like me would love an Ed Massage every now and then. High paw! (Pickles high fives Ed, scratching his hand) Ed Massage forever!

by Dusty's Baby Powder October 27, 2011

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When a restaurant runs out of a certain item of food.

86 Prime Rib, someone just ordered the last one

by MJ December 23, 2004

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sex ed

a class in which teens are MADE to talk to scare/ prevent us from haivng sex. they try to make us live an abstanint life. showing pictures, movies, magazines, diagrams. telling uis about over 100 std's and did you know 50% of std's can turn a woman sterile for life?
also, 3:4 teens contract an std fisrt time having sex

see i DID learn something.

1. sex ed is stupid and boring, but could help me when least expected.

by ADD April 19, 2005

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