Norwegian term for a bureaucrat who think he know everything
Stop being a alpha tenden. Why are you always acting like an alpha tenden.
"Muscular" men who are under the height of 5'1 who cant be in proximity to women without giving everyone second-hand embarrassment so they "superiorize" themselves to have that 99% of presumably fake pridefulness that they didn't get as a child. (Used mostly in first person)
"I'm such an Alpha male," or "My alpha male body is too good for that."
Alpha Tau is known to be a shortening of the sorority Alpha Sigma Tau. Alpha Sigma Tau is one of the oldest national sororities in the USA. It was founded in 1899.
Are those girls in Alpha Tau? Yea, Alpha Tau or Alpha Sigma Tau. It's the same sorority.
A stronger, faster, and smarter version of Nightmare Guardian, withstanding most harsh deaths than the normal Guardian. They uses the environment as there way to fight
The legend says that Alpha Guardians used to Environment to fight
Many people beleive an Alpha Male is a man who is the leader of a pack, dominant, or an agressive male. Fuck these stone age definitions. I will define a true ALPHA MALE in modern society, simply in three parts:
1. A known statistic today is, for every 1 male who has sex there are 2 women having sex, the reason for this statistic is becuase alpha males are the ones who are having all sex, while Beta males sit on the side lines watch this happen.
2. Modern Alpha males dictate their own reality, Alpha's effortlessly change brain patterns of poeple around them,women and men around alpha's feel their strong character and charisma and naturally gravitate and follow thier leadership skills, this is why women beleive everything we say is knowledgable or humerous and subconsiously fall into our laps.
3. Alpha's are frequenlty being considered self-centered assholes. However this could not be further from the truth. We as Alpha males do not cater or sympathize to emtional garbage from insecure women and Beta males, that is not a part of our reality. We see situations in life as our personal stage and have full knowledge and understanding that we control the reality around us, there for the ladys will always have sex with us and the guys will always want to be us.
Becuase I am an Alpha Male I can make friends with lots of women and have sex with all of them and not one of the women would feel devalued or any less of a friend to me
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In 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority became America's first Greek-letter organization established by Black college women. Her roots date back to Howard University, Washington, D.C., where the idea for formation was conceived by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle of St. Louis, Missouri. She viewed the Sorority as an instrument for enriching the social and intellectual aspects of college life by providing mental stimulation through interaction with friends and associates. Through the years, however, Alpha Kappa Alpha's function has become more complex. After her incorporation as a perpetual body in 1913, Alpha Kappa Alpha gradually branched out and became the channel through which selected college-trained women improved the socioeconomic conditions in their city, state, nation, and the world.
In a world in which materialism is pervasive, and technology and competition have decreased the need for collaboration and cooperation, it is critical to have an association that cuts across racial, international, physical, and social barriers to help individuals and communities develop and maintain constructive relationships with others. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is that vital organization.
Alpha Kappa Alpha is a sisterhood composed of women who have consciously chosen this affiliation as a means of self-fulfillment through volunteer service. Alpha Kappa Alpha cultivates and encourages high scholastic and ethical standards; promotes unity and friendship among college women; alleviates problems concerning girls and women; maintains a progressive interest in college life; and serves all mankind through a nucleus of more than 170,000 women in the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa.
Candidacy for membership into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is open to women of high ethical and scholastic standards who are pursuing or have completed courses leading to a degree in an accredited college or university. Our official headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois.
That lovely lady joined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in Fall 2001.
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