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Australian Tai Chi

is when an Aussie (preferably) tries to manoeuvre a huge round of drinks over to his mates at the other end of the pub (without using a tray or aid of a waitress or another friend!). Takes incredible concentration, dexterity and outstanding navigational skill!

Don't worry mate, Sheila can manage on her own. She'll get the drinks over to us without spilling even one drop, trust me. She has mastered the Australian Tai Chi!

by edessa08 March 20, 2010

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Australian Crack Shack

kinky sex in a bungelo on the peak of a moutnain, with seals cheering you on, and then they go do kinky sex while you cheer them on.

Miranda: Want to Go the the Australian Crack Shack?

George: Yea lets have ACS time =

Sarah: Im down.

by sarahymiranda March 19, 2008

17πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Australian Death Mask

When you put your or their balls in their eyes and fart in your or their mouth

Hey Bob wanna give me a Australian Death Mask?

by scafer6 December 27, 2010

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

The Australian cunt hierarchy

There is the hierarchy of cunts in Australia, starting from the bottom which is a gay cunt which is used in a derogatory way, next is a sick cunt which is a very high honour to receive and means you are loose, cool and people love you. At the top of the Australian cunt hierarchy is mad cunt. If you are a mad cunt you are the best thing to ever come out of Australia and if you're a mad cunt you definitely get laid at least twice per day.

"Old mate Stefan chugged three crates of piss ands doing free lap dances"

"No way. Stefans mad cunt!! He's at the top fucking rung of the Australian cunt hierarchy."

by The_maddest_cunt37 May 4, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

australian rules football

a pathetic excuse for aussies to excel in something, they are inept at real sports like football and rugby and thus they created their own "sport" to give themselves something to cheer about

random aussie: "ello mate! lets watch some australian rules football"
Any other person from another country: "i'd rather not"

by sad truth July 12, 2009

74πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Australian tequila shot

Taking a shot of tequila by: (in this order)

1. Snorting a line of salt.
2. Taking the shot.
3. You or a friend squirting lime into your eye.

Also known as a, "suicide tequila shot."

"Hey Ryan, Austin, Sean! Lets all take Australian tequila shots!"

"Only with Patron will I ever take another Australian tequila shot."

by M. J. Smith January 23, 2008

27πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Australian Rules Football

Australian rules football is the greatest sport on Earth. With 18 teams competing in Australia’s most popular sporting competition the Australian Football League, highly powerful and athletic players clash for the yearly premiership and for their passionate supporters. Not just national, but local football is also very intense as people come from far and wide to unleash the passion for their club. Australian rules football is the game for everyone, and is growing in popularity overseas in Oceania, Asia, Europe, North America and the United Kingdom.

My mate Jimmy follows Australian rules football, and him and all of his mates reckon it is the greatest sport in the world. Because it is!

If you’re a true Australian, then you’d follow a true Australian sport for a true Australian sporting competition, most preferrably Adelaide

by Crowsfan91 December 15, 2018

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