A loud, deep fart in bed with your butt on the mattress, making a bassy noise that shakes the bed.
Person 1: *does a Bed Blast*
Person 2: Woah! That shook the bed!
The reply of an elderly gentlemen after weakly ejaculating on a younger a mans chest when asked ‘is that it?’.
He was wanting more but I told that is full blast.
When you have a random explosive diarrhea that makes an unbelievable amount of noise and smell and if it came out at just a slightly stronger velocity would lift you off the toilet. When it is over the inside of the toilet is completely caked with what ever your body had to evacuate in such an alarming manner.
I barely got to the toilet in time, the second I sat down I Chaster Blasted so hard man.
Sorry but I'm lactose intolerant, If I drink milk I Chaster Blast within 10 minutes.
Dude!!! Code Red!!!! No joke!!!! about to Chaster Blast MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!!!!
The act of going down on your SO while they are farting on your face. Preferably fueled by burrito
Stacy let me burrito blast her last night. It was smelly as hell
When you're fingering a chick and really gettin in there
You slammed your finger in a door? How are you gonna knuckle blast that chick?
To receive and take a copious amount of male ejaculate. To lovingly take that nut custard like a boss.
Steve got home from work and had been working up a nut all day cause he sack blasted all over my chin.
Rachel got sack blasted last night.
fingering someone while they are driving a car
I'm going to tire blast that bitch on the way to SRC.