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Zoomer Boomer

Someone born in Generation Z, but has the mentality of a boomer. Generally conservative or doesn't believe in climate change.

Guy 1: I was born in the wrong generation!
Guy 2: You're such a Zoomer Boomer

by Comrade_1232 November 25, 2019

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Incorrect usage: The word of choice by edgelords to say non-stop thinking there funny.

Correct usage: Used in moderation for calling out true stupidity.

Edgelord: OK BOOMER (100 times)

Proper User: Ok Boomer we get you dont understand modern science.

by SomeRetard101 November 25, 2019

23πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Ok Boomer

An Ad hominem catch line used by younger people to end an argument with an older person. Its no different from calling someone a bigot for supporting conservative policies. Sure boomers are wrong about alot of things. But this fallacious tactic doesn't make millenials or gen z kids any better. Nor intelligent.

Saying ok boomer doesnt make you smart or win the argument. It makes you look lazy. Shit like this is why boomers think we are lazy.

by Uncle_Mico November 20, 2019

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Boomer Bend

A guitar string bending technique that is just about the laziest trope of the last 60 years of electric guitar. Coined by Polyphia guitarist Tim Henson, the boomer bend was introduced to mainstream boomer audiences by boomer guitarists such as Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. It’s commonly associated with β€˜da blooze’ and can be heard in sundry dive/sports bars and holes-in-the-wall from Tallahassee to Thailand. Technically it encompasses either bending from the 4th to the (b)5th on the third string, or from the b7 to the root on the first -all within the pentatonic minor box shape. This is typically accompanied with a facial expression between sucking a lemon and a constipated bowel movement. Performative soul. What happens when white people try to be Albert King.

I’m too lazy to learn scales or theory on guitar so boomer bends have been a life-saver. Hey, it was good enough for most of the bands at Woodstock!

by Kid Logic November 16, 2021

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facebook boomer

a women or man doesnt know how to use technology and is always white. They also are racist.... VERY RACIST

and they love minnions

Look at that facebook boomer on that bench

by facebook boomer minnions November 20, 2020

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Boomer Remover

Another way to say Coronavirus.

"The Boomer Remover will sure take care of those boomers, Jake."

by THE GUY FROM FUCKNITE April 18, 2020

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boomer text

When you text a boomer, and they answer your text by calling you. Quite often, boomers will reference some or all of the content of your text

in their call, while simultaneously sounding like they haven't read it. Reasons for boomer texts range from laziness, to lack of basic smartphone awareness. Boomer texts can be very annoying as the person sending the text could very well be in a loud environment, or just not have time to talk on the phone. The boomer however, is inconsiderate of possible circumstances why a person chose to text them instead of calling, and places their own convenience as top priority.


Millennial texts boomer: I'm gonna make a run over to Jack in the Box.. you want anything?

Boomer calls: Hey, so you're going to Jack in the Box?

Millennial: ...yeah... did you not read my text?

Boomer: oh yeah I just got it.. well go ahead and get me a (burger and fries)

I just asked my old man to text me the address of the hotel he's staying at so I could navigate to it, and he boomer texted me. Just called and told me what restaurants are nearby and what the outside of the building looks like. - no address

by Addison Sparks April 27, 2021

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