Source Code

Bug Hug

A transatlantic hug between friends with limited English skills.

Bug Hug!

by hypnomatt August 14, 2009

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Nigger bug

Nigger bug
Down south we call those stank bugs nigger bugs. Any BUG thats BLACK is a nigger bug. And black bugs lifes don't matter

Carful' boy don't step on that nigger bug you'll have this place a stankin. Wheeeew

by WrldaintRDY April 1, 2022

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Thats Bug

Phrase made up by "ART" of 200percentproduction. Meaning that sucks or thats wack.

Crackhead: I lost my crack rocks.
ART: Thats bug.

by 200percentproduction November 12, 2010

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chewey bug

someone who feels the need to correct others' spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Danielle was bitten by the "chewey bug" when she received a message on Face Book correcting a spelling error.

by Himmel's Mom July 20, 2010

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bug juicin'

to piss oneself with extreme laughter.
to the point where tears stream down cheeks and you feel that the laughter will never end.

1. look at her bug juicin' away to herself!
2. dont make me start the bug juicin' mate!
3. im actually bug juicin' maself jus now!!

and many more

by weeweewee1 January 17, 2010

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straight bugging

so fucked up your jus vibing with your boys

yo that bitch is straight bugging

Iโ€™m straight bugging rn

by mandy v September 10, 2018

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bug hit

When you proceed to capture a bug inside of a piece, or water bottle as the bug hit was invented, and smoke the bug's mind out, and hit the piece after a sufficient period of time for the bug to become wacked out of its little insect brain

"Dude, are you seriously doing that"
-Cameron to Maurer after he inhaled the smoke from the fly's water bottle prison, hence creating the bug hit

by maurer April 21, 2006

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