When you burn your penis so you get your female partner to put milk in her mouth and depthroat until burning sensation had disappeared
Damn baby it happened again can you give me another milkshake burn
Is a diss track that will only occur when you cheat on your partner. In which he/she will multiply and make a diss track that slaps harder than your mom
Eliza Scyhler (Hamilton) : kids we have burnt ham for dinner
Alexander Hamilton : d-dear???
Us viewers : omg im going to cry (because of first burn)
when someone tries to burn you but their burn ends up being weak or false and you burn them worse based on their crappy burn.
Friend 1: "Dude your sister is such an idiot is dating that loser."
Friend 2: "Um, she dumped him...he's dating your sister."
Friend 3: "Oh! Back Burned!
When your tongue gets all sore from eating too many Skittles.
I can't taste anything, I got Skittle burn.
A situation where a girl kisses you one night on a whim (or a guy) and then ignores you a few days later.....and then gives you the friends talk, and then goes out with some other guy or girl totally leading you on. All ultimately for the sake of a bit of an ego boost.
Hey man you wouldnt believe what happened i got the pash and burn dude....what a psycho!
Commonly used in wwe2k games where your opponent attacks you immediately after you reverse the previous attack. Done once or twice or untill your out of reversals it still counts as a reversal burn
You attacked me immediately after I reversed your previous attack, you are reversal burning
A burn that you use to try and insult someone, that ends up insulting yourself.
Joey kamakazi burned himself when he accidently said he was gay in a burn