A nicer word for an online prostitute.
Those celebrities have contributed nothing to the world, yet they earn more money than most other people
Mos Def not goldie the queen from clubhouse.
Some people yeah...like goldie the queen pretend to be a celebrity
A person that gets extremely lucky and recognized for their talent. Many people grow jealous of celebrities.
She is a celebrity ever since she did that performance
(man)Honey I want the celebrity treatment tonight. (woman) Huh? what is that? (man) celebrities always come/cum in back door
Having the audacity to ask average people to provide the resources and/or means while having both in abundance.
Did you see the video of Oprah and The Rock using their celebrity privilege to request people make donations to the Maui relief effort
A PC way to say, "Experiencing PMS," or "Menstruating," that seems cute, but is snarkily condescending.
A: Rachel is being an absolute cunt! It must be shark week!
B: Relax, bro, she's just celebrating her femininity.