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dusty crotch

An old lady you don't like, or one that is a total bitch. A sand-papery vagina!

That lady has a dusty crotch. She is a dusty old crotch

by pornprincess237 May 26, 2009

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Dusty Crankshaft

When an old man blows his load in a girls face and all that comes out is dust;therefore pissing the girl off

The girl was pissed at the old mans dusty crankshaft when he blew his load.

by deichert April 20, 2008

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dusty donkey

The act of an elderly male performing anal sex on a woman and simultaneously inserting his saggy (and/or wrinkly) ballsack into the woman's vagina.

Eddie totally gave Katie the dusty donkey last night.

by siduri71 January 7, 2010

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Dusty Beaver

Commonly known as "Justin Beiber" but refers to his feminine style and unused female sexual organ. Enough said.

Yo! Did you hear about Dusty Beaver's new dew?...DUMB!!!

by JayBro4995 August 22, 2011

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dusty wilson

When you've got some chick (or dude, depending on your preference) sucking your dick, then you tell them to hold on because you have to pee/left the oven on/phone is ringing/whatever, then you stick your spit-slathered dong in the vacuum bag and come back and cockslap them as hard as you possibly can. Originally named for Wilford Brimley, but "Dusty Wilson" had a better ring to it.

-Dude, my girl just broke up with me after I gave her a dusty wilson.
-Well what do you expect? That shit's gross.

by sir dixon dongs March 8, 2011

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Dusty Bradford

A 'dusty bradford' is where you and a girl (or man, if you swing that way) are about to have anal sex. The taker usually wants it lubed up in one way or another, and instead of doing it, you lie and say you're ready to go and just shove it in there dry. Usually a form of punishment to the partner.

girl- "do me from behind"
guy- "okay give me a sec" (shoves it in unexpectantly)
girl- "OUCH! i didnt ask for a dusty bradford!"

by Dusty the clown February 17, 2010

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dusty jimmy

while engaging in any sexual activity that requires a man to present his penis in the open on the beach; while it is out it gets all sandy and therefore, its a dusty jimmy

I was boning my chick on the beach last night, rolled around a bit, and ended up with a dusty jimmy!!

by ho fasho December 6, 2006

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