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Classic Eva

The opposite of a classic Luciano, when a Luciano does said classic Luciano and Luciano forces his sister, probably called Eva, to clean it up with her mouth and pussy.

Eva probs: fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklklklkkkkjkjkhjk i just did a classic Eva its the 5th time this week and its only a Tuesday my pussy is drenched of KFC

by heavygrape August 5, 2022


A person that likely thinks to highly of themselves and like to flex that he is much better than you at valorant (gets carried by radiant smurfs all day) this person usually gets no hoes. Even when he does its not true love. Just a little dumbass trying to get valorant skins.Mostly gets good grades but still has no irl friends. When he does its only because he is the person that invites himself to the boy meetup without asking the others. Takes 47 minutes to shower because it take him 3 for every fat layer. Acts gay in the friend group so he doesnt get kicked out

Bro did you meet the new kid eva, he acts gay because he has no friends. No wonder he gets no hoes.

by niggassitonmyballs February 3, 2022


Eva is a self absorbed brat will always talk about you behind your back and betrays you.She is so mean and is such a pick me.she so annoying and everyone hates her.her friends talk behing her back but they are still obsessed with her.

evas minion 1:omg I hate Eva so much she is such a bitch. evaminion2:same shes so annoying.btw were still going to buy gift s for her parting right?

by anonia June 5, 2024


Eva is a self absorbed brat will always talk about you behind your back and betrays you.She is so mean and is such a pick me.she so annoying and everyone hates her.her friends talk behing her back but they are still obsessed with her.

evas minion 1:omg I hate Eva so much she is always insulting us. evaminion2:same shes so annoying.btw were still going to buy gift s for her party right?

by anonia June 5, 2024


Eva is one of the most beautiful girls there is she is honest sweet and the best person you can have in your life

Adam: You know that beauty?
Jason: yeah her name is Eva she is the most sexy girl that exists

by bigtits1232 February 16, 2023


very cute a little fruity

hey its Eva shes so pretty

by johncosta232 March 10, 2022


ugly smelly bitch

eva is poop xx

by eva wellas November 28, 2023