Something that's not sexual but sounds very sexual
Yo that bitch gave me the london fog last night
When you ejaculate in a British girls eyes.
I busted in the girls eye she had London fog!
When you tang somebody after you dip the dick and balls in milk.
I London fogged her twice!!
When a male ejaculates onto the eyes of someone as they are waking up causing the victim to be blinded as if in the midst of a thick fog.
David enjoyed watching Daniel struggle to see after the London Fog David surprised him with.
The smoke left in the air from either lighting a firework or a firework going off.
The night sky was full of freedom fog on the Fourth of July.
Being horny/turned on to where it clouds your judgment
“Well I wanted to have sex, but then my mom called, and that kinda ruined my sexual fog… so not anymore..”
The kind of guy who proudly buys his clothing at gas stations and prefers a mythical beast to adorn his torso. A closeted ginger who has a specific stance and is in love with a Chelsea. Can’t snowboard for shit and likes dudes butts (probably).
That guy with the inflatable pumpkin is a total Lavender fog.