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maidstone grammar school for girls

Maidstone grammar school for girls (also known as mggs) is a grammar school with a bunch of cruel teachers who only care about skirts and how you look!

mggs means maidstone grammar school for girls

by hello hello hello March 24, 2022

st michaels grammar school

A school for the artsy druggos. they all look the same when they are in casual clothes, and they think they are above all. They are also really super rich.

"look at her clothes! she must be from st michaels grammar school"

by yeeyee xd July 22, 2019

townsville grammar school

the most amazing school in townsville , better than catheral and st pats and every other school in townsville

person: what school do you go to?
me: Townsville Grammar School

person: OMG!!! the most amazing school in townsville!!

by yeahhhhburhhhh01 September 8, 2020

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Bishop Vesey's Grammar School

A school, in the affluent are of sutton coldfield. Often reffered to as simply 'vesey', it has become a somewhat culture medium for the more astute and putrid members of common society, mainly from the areas of Alum Rock and aston. Half of the members of the school are actually nice and normal people, these are the people that actually live in sutton coldfield, the people who dont live here can be simply reffered to as smelly, fetid, monstrous individuals who dont take any notice to there self appearence and often look like then have rubbed thier face in disheavled filth.

you go to bishop vesey's grammar school? your either normal, or fucked up

by shhor May 13, 2011

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Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School

yea man...

John McFag: "Hey, I go to Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School!"
Everyone: "YEAAAA MAN!!!!"

by the blackout 11 April 18, 2011

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big willys school of grammar

A very exclusive school where all students must reach high sexual expectations of 3 principals...(the brunette with the big muscles, Big willy and brixy)... All student must have a ""Meeting"" with the principals at night.

if they are satisfied they are allowed in, if not get out

Guys:"Big willys school of grammar has got the most hottest chicks ever"

by Wilso591 April 7, 2008

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King Edward VI Grammar School

King Edward VI Grammar School is an all-boys grammar school in Chelmsford, England. The school is noted for producing a high percentage of doctors and, of course, The Blore Brothers.

Kegs boys have been known to start feuds with other schools over the social networking site Facebook, with dramatic consequences. However, the Kegs boys are generally known to win, through superior use of wit and overall banter. And if the worse comes to the worst, Kegs always have the formidable Mr Green. The school is looked upon jealously by many of the other Chelmsford schools, especially Chelmsford Girls County High- Kegs tend to have far better looking students than this school. Also, unlike this school, the Kegs students actually know how to apply make-up properly. Kegs is also one of the only schools in the world that is extremely reluctant to shut on snow days- recent statistics show that the school only closed for 5.7 minutes due to adverse weather conditions in 2010. This is supposed to make the students look resilient and hard-working, but really it just makes the school look desperate and somewhat pompous.

Kegs boys are often unfairly accused of being gay by their comprehensive school peers- this is not true. Only 90% of the current set of students, for example, are of a homosexual persuasion. 10% are straight/ bisexual.

King Edward VI Grammar School- The best school in China.

by nonymous1010101010 January 23, 2011

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