Source Code

gypsy bag

Bag full of random beers scavenged by underage drinkers. Refers to random golf clubs in a golf bag.

Hey man did you put those beers in the gypsy bag?

"Yea man I got like 2 nattys 3 millers and a 4 loko!"
Awesome dude! I'm gonna be blasted tonight.

by Borderline alcoholic69 December 10, 2017

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sex gypsy

An urban nomad with few possessions who manages to survive and find shelter through the exchange of sexual favours.

Her: So you're homeless?

Him: No, I've been living at a girl's place downtown.
Her: Oh, you're a sex gypsy...

by aleclewis June 23, 2016

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porcelain gypsy

a bad case of gonorrhea

wow, that bitch got a visit from the porcelain gypsy

by Robert Gardner April 5, 2008

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Gypsy Wednesday

When BFF has cash flow problems before money thursday and he transforms into a gypsy.

BFF goes to BFF Dave's; "Gimme some money". And after BFF Dave's give BFF money, he turns around and says "gimme some more money!". Then the BFFS take next gypsy wednesday off.

by BFFDave November 27, 2008

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gypsy cunt

someone who is poor and cheats on peoples sisters (but doesn't actually just thinks the sister is a crazy whore so he says that he cheated so she will dump him but she keeps on obsessing over him)

your a fucking gypsy cunt .... cunt

yeah i know u said about 10 seconds ago

fucking cunt ....

by gypsy cunt September 2, 2008

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Gypsy soul

Someone that is not a gypsy by blood claiming to have a gypsy sould to compensate for being a plaing person by making themself sound more colorful and exciting than they actually are.

The girl made her plain bullshit antics sound more interesting by calling herself a gypsy soul even though she had no actual ties to gypsies. She was a pretentious girl, plain as an old tin pail, but you'd never know it by the way she described herself, you would assume she was the most exciting person to be around that ever lived, at any oint in history. That was just her narcissism coming out.

by The Original Agahnim July 28, 2021

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Gypsy Hunting

When a person goes driving at night, preferably on any given garbage night of any given week and proceeds to garbage pick furniture, household accessories, and odds and ends for the better good of recycling someone elseโ€™s junk to furnish ones own household.

Last Tuesday night, Tina, Kristen, Jake, and I went Gypsy Hunting; we needed a few things to furnish our college apartments.

by J. Bilewicz March 26, 2007

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