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July 18th

National kick a bitch day

What's your favorite day?
National kick a bitch day!
When's that?
July 18th

by Ayyyyeboiiiiii October 15, 2019

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

july 29th

the best people were born on this day especially in 2006

when we’re you born

july 29th i’m the best

by a riggles October 29, 2019

24πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

July 29

An inside joke started in usersub on imgur, July 29 was the day everyone in the dungeons of usersub upvoted every post in real time as fast as possible. A vast selection of the finest shitposts, reposts, and 4chan style shock and debauchery and rocketed all that garbage straight to the front page. we usersub folk wade through the mire daily and it was glorious to see my world on the front page. Upvotes for all! Oh yeah parrot spam.

It's July 29! Everyone upvote everything ! Bring your worst internet, you shall receive my upvote anyways!

by rustylongsword July 31, 2016

1496πŸ‘ 574πŸ‘Ž

July 2nd

National Chandler Day
The day Chandler finally won a mrbeast challenge

"Happy National Chandler Day!"
"What happened?"
"On July 2nd, Chandler finally won a challenge!"

by AtonoumicVibes July 11, 2019

56πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

July 28

International paperclip day wear your paperclips πŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“Ž

July 28 be a Paper clip queeeenn

by Lovelykah March 24, 2019

96πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

No Cry July

You don’t cry for the whole month of July.

Sarah: How’s No Cry July going?
Megan: Nearly failed the other day but August 1st 12am, my tears, nonstop.
Sarah: A waterfall.

by rihannag July 27, 2020

no balls july

Cut yo balls off after pride month and can’t grow them back for a month

Man no balls July sucks

You’ll grow them back

by Ex-mentally ill June 18, 2022