An infamous bit of wisdom passed down from ogs(80s).. Those that participate in the distribution of crystal methamphetamine or crack-cocaine knowingly attach a negative energy imparted on there spirit which finds it way to the person later in life disguised as a blessing. A dark omen not to be taking litely. Although with preserverence spiritual healing and good deeds can be disolved.
oh:Damn homie I just had a sheet of acid drop in a sewer drain, wind blew it out of my hand from nowhere!
Squad: Must be that Rock karma fam!
the karma queen is looking for an excuse to exert itself in anybody's business
the karma queen
This is when you do something bad or act selfishly without taking into account the amazing balance of the universe and forget that Karma is going to come and bite you in the arse. Your fast ass gets chomped badly by Karma as if you're in a film. Hence, Karma Film. Booya!
"Do you think you'll be friends with him again?" "No... He's got his Karma Film coming at him."
a number on reddit that fatass lifeless neckbeards that are afraid of grass try to get as big as possible. This number literally does nothing.
if you karma farm, please go outside.
Karma has two different definitions, Reddit terms and when some Karen gets mad then suddenly a bird just craps on her
You posted a good meme and got a lot of karma