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Mommas milk dud

Using a lactating moms breast milk for lubricant during anal sex.

I pulled off a mommas milk dud, but only because she was out of strawberry jelly. I’m not an animal.

by Roughneck2Real November 22, 2020

joe momma

your mom

joe momma

by April 20, 2022

joe momma

joe momma plain n simple.

roe: joe momma so joe.
joe: ye.

by glockluv May 23, 2022

joe momma

basically its yo momma but as a name

teacher:anyone absent?
student: yeah joes not here
teacher: whos joe?
student: JOE MOMMA B)

by joemommaB) December 26, 2020

joe momma

Joe Momma = Your Momma / Yo Momma

p1 "knock knock
p2 "whos there?"
p1 "Joe"
p2 "joe who?"
p1 "joe momma"

by Missgyrl October 31, 2021

Joe Momma

It is a type of joke people use to make a quick laugh.

Do you know what happened to Joe
Who's Joe?
Joe Momma

by Joe Momma guy February 3, 2022

Yo momma ded

yo momma ded

sup yo momma ded

by Yo Momma Ded November 24, 2021