Source Code

whats da deal?

How you doing?

Whats da deal wit you

by Keika_pooh June 25, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lead pipe deal

A lead pipe deal is a deal that is so good that there is no way the agreement came around consensually; the person would have never parted with the item that is the subject matter of the transaction without you having used force

"You got that 2017 BMW for $ 5,000 ?" "Yeah, dude--isn't that a great deal?" "Yeah, man--that's a lead pipe deal."

by Campbellcamel August 26, 2017

What's this guy's deal?

1: When one does not quite understand a guy's deal

2: First used in Step Brothers by Derek's son while the family was eating dinner and Dale asked a question about Derek's story. Out of anger and confusion of Dale's stupid question the son muttered, "What's this guy's deal?", creating comedy legend.

3: Can be said in certain situations, such as: If a friend was doing something slightly vulgar and without purpose one might say, "What's this guy's deal?". Out of pure perplexion of that guy's deal. Commonly said to a group of people so perhaps one of them must understand.

Person 1: "Wow, Twilight was such a good movie. Full of inspiration of how the undead can still find love."

Person 2: "What's this guy's deal?"

by morganthegreat February 13, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

a big fucking deal

Joe Biden's euphemism for Health Care Reform.

"Hey Joe, what do you call this Health Care Reform Bill?"

"This is a big fucking deal."

by miketwo March 23, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Deal Breaker

The act of firmly yet romantically cramming your entire fist into your signifigant other's cornhole.This is a distant cousin of the shocker.

Nick gave Cindy a Deal Breaker in his Beretta, and she liked it.

by Crazy Legs Meadows 22 July 30, 2008

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crocodile done deal

1. done deal. finished. derived from 1986 movie starring paul hogan, "crocodile" dundee.

2.to agree, to make a deal.

1. i was at the car dealership all day and i was really happy when it was crocodile done deal.

he has been passed out in the car for an hour. crocodile done deal.

2. you want to leave? crocodile done deal.

by coco chappelle April 17, 2012

Pre-packaged deal

When someone has a close friend or significant other they simply can not hang without. It's hard to invite just one without upsetting either of the two.

Person1: "Hey man, want to invite Chris to the casino with us?"

Person2:"He probably won't enjoy himself if Jacob isn't invited too. They're a pre-packaged deal".

by skwz February 15, 2012