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a bunch of whinny whimps who can't think of anything better to do with there life other than sit and cry and slit there wrists cause they feel like they have problems with the rest of the world and killing themselves will make them happy...stupid emo kids...always smokiing cause it makes them fell happy and self rightous like they are so cool cause they cry all the fucking time...

1 emo goes to the mall to hang out with some more emos...they go outside, light a cig, and start to cry like babies while smoking, then everyone walks bye and is like " whoa, look at those stupid emo kids, why don't they go get a life"...emos suck!!!

by someone else who dislikes emos August 14, 2006

59πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


Kind of.

This is very important. I know this is a slang dictionary and unserious entries and definitions are intended, but I can't laugh at silly people making cruel fun of things that should not be anymore like I used to, and as this site gets so many visitors, I think it's a good place to make my point.
Thankyou to all who read, Wikipedia, and the few others who write similar definitions and deserve more to agree with them. Aaand thanks a great bunch to the media and all you horrid, disrespectful people out there who make up lies about such people and accept the crap they hear about them.
Here we go.

Very misunderstood and abused in recent times, the general concept of "emo" is very different to what one following the crowd may first think. A great deal of this misunderstanding is caused by the media, and perhaps certain attributes to the majority of people who consider themselves "emo" causing others to believe that this applies to the entire community.

Tracing the roots of Emo back to the 1980's makes the original Emo over 20 years old, and so in its whole it is not necessarily a 21st-century wave. Some may consider Emo to actually have multiple meanings.

I. The Music
Emo began as a genre of music. Contrary to popular belief this is not all depressing with heartbroken tones and whiny mopey lyrics. It emerged from the hardcore punk scene of the early 1980s Washington D.C.
Guy Picciotto formed the band Rites of Spring in 1984, and their music included elements such as melodic guitars, varied rhythms, and deeply personal, impassioned lyrics, as would become familiar in the later generations of Emo music. Indeed, they were often concerning matters such as nostalgia, romantic bitterness and desperation, and were often very poetic. Therefore their performances often became public emotional purges where audience members would sometimes weep.
This is the first and one of the main reasons Emo became to be thought of as a constantly depressed and pointlessly miserable scene.
One of the main reasons people write and perform music is to express their inner thoughts and feelings in a way that they enjoy and can be creative with, as keeping them bottled up inside is not always a good way to go. You get sad songs, you get happy songs. Not all dubbed-Emo music includes these wistful tones, some good few being quite upbeat and lively, more like to power pop, and including morals rather than, or perhaps as well as, thoughts from the artist's mind. There is nothing wrong with expressing sadness, desire, or any emotion or thought for that matter in your music.
The music belongs to the artist, so leave them to it. If you don't like it, fair enough. Don't make such a fuss.

II. The Fashion
Later on Emo developed into a stereotype, with a certain way of dressing accompanying the music. Generally this includes very tight jeans/drainpipes/skinny-fit jeans on males and females alike, with graphic tees, brightly-decorated black-background hooded jumpers/jackets, often studded belts, perhaps fingerless gloves, and at one point it was associated with black horn-rimmed glasses. Before this, it had a 'clean-cut' look.
Of course, this is considered by most to be a fad. Not everyone dresses like this, and if they don't, that is upt o them, and there is nothing about it worth criticising.

III. The Lies
Emo is believed to be the abbreviation of 'emotional', another reason many believe the scene is associated with Many of you will have heard of the unfortunate suicide of Hannah Bond. Personally, I think she had the idea of Emo all wrong herself.
Due to this and various other things, popular media has associated emo, wrongly, with depression, self-harm, and even suicide. This is deeply upsetting.
One who thinks of such things, is depressed, or self-harms shoudld NEVER be called 'emo'. Firstly, not everyone likes being called this. Secondly, it is an incorrect term; emo does NOT mean suicidal or self-abusing at all, as you can see. Thirdly, these people are unhappy. It may not be their fault. Life is hard. Some people DO get depressed and do or think of such things. It is very sad, very serious, and is really NOTHING to make fun of. Those who do are stupid, inconsiderate spewers of ridicule.

IV. The Warring

A more ridiculous area.

People in the scene as a stereotype in England often consider it to be 'warring' with the stereotype of chav, and some others might, either as well, or instead, think Emo to be 'allied' with the stereotypes of grebo, scene and even goth, but some of these are not necessarily set in stone at all. Goth for example has more ancient roots, has various branches and connotations, and is usually seen as a more elegant, dark, aristocratic and perhaps even older thing. Emo is usually a thing amongst teenagers, but of course not limited to this age group.
The groups might be seen as 'warring' due to the inconsideration and common stupidity or thoughtlessness of chavs. They commonly, atleast in the younger ages and around my area, misunderstand the meaning of "emo" and give no thought to those who are depressed or self-harming, using such a thing as an exuse for making stupid fun. Some say emos are dying out; This is not a literal saying, only meaning that less people seem to be following the fashion and style.
Of course, the whole metaphorical, childish 'war' is a load of senseless poppycock.
Don't get caught up in this, kaay.
It's just that chavs, from another's point of view, are common, rude, rough, and give no thought to those who are not like them. Perhaps I will write a definition on them, too, but try not to be bias...

V. The Important Things

There are some very important things to remember;
~ Not everyone who listens to "emo" music dresses according to this wave of fashion.
~ Not everyone who dresses in such a way listens to or likes "emo" music.
~ Some "emo"s DO self-harm, are depressed, or think of suicide. But not all of them. If they are like this, it is usually by other reason and not because they are associated with this stereotype. If they are doing it to 'fit in with the stereotype' or something, then they themselves are very stupid. I think. Sorry.
~ Not everyone likes being stereotyped or being called "emo".
~ "Emo" is not actually an insult. So don't use it.
~ "Emo" and 'associated stereotypes' are widely considered to be 'alternative' styles.
~ Remember the important stuff.
~ Don't hate or make fun of someone for who they are! Unless it's a horrid, thoughtless beasssst.

Correct examples.

"You look so emo in those jeans and that jacket!"

"There's this emo band I'm into, they're really sweet."

"There are a few emos in our school but most of the young ones are chav wannabees."

Incorrect uses.

"Stop whining, you sound like such an emo!"

"Haha, that emo kid probably slits his wrists all the time."

"I wish emos would die; or go kill themselves already."

by Caladhiel June 24, 2009

18πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


In the same vein as a murder of crows or a gaggle of geese, a grouping of emos is referred to as a pussy.

"Why is there always that pussy of emos sitting in the same place in the mall?"
"Yeah, way to be different by being exactly the same."

by Apostat3 December 20, 2006

33πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


See "Fag", "Faget", "Pussy", "Pansy", and my favorite "Suicidal Retard".

"Look at those Emo Fags over there, Johhny!", Johhny's Mother said.

Johhny replies, "Eww! Mother, Why are there such people on Earth?"

"Because America sucks ass and no one has common sense or a sense of humor anymore and people fuck their cousins." Replies Johhny's Mother.

"OH! Now I understand!", Says Johhny.

"No Johhny, no one understands... No one.", Johhny's Mother explains.

by VoorheesBoy April 1, 2007

27πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Emo is a subdivision of Goth, (which itself is a subdivision of Punk) and can usually be seen wearing tight clothing, itchy wool scarves (no matter how hot it is) black-and-white striped sweaters and hair that covers 3/5 of the face. There are four main categories of emo:

Emo Emo
These kids are the classic stereotype. Usually listens to (or writes) crappy music and writes even crappier poetry (these songs are usually about getting dumped, death or something else melancholy). Practices self-mutilation (the cutting of oneself) and is dismal as hell. The best way to deal with these emos is to either get them professional help or get them some sort of anti-depressant

Soap Opera Emo
Emos that over react to everything. they don't get happy, they get estatic. they dont get sad, they get suicidal. In short, these emos are huge drama king, (or as they put it "Extreamly Emotional") and are okay people but can get realy anoying.

Happy Emo
An Emo who likes to listen to emo music and dresses like an emo but doesn’t cut himself or cry about everything. They are perfectly happy human beings like you or me but still enjoy MCR, Fallout boy and other emo CDs of the sort.

Even other emos can’t tolerate these fucktards. They do everything an Emo does but have no real problems whatsoever. They simply do all this to A) Be accepted by other emos (why they’d want to, I can’t imagine why) B) To get negative attention or C) to scare the crap out of their parents.
The way to recognize them from real Emo wackjobs is that they usually get in your face more that real emos and try to bring themselves to cutting themselves, but never can. The best way to deal with them is to give them the silent treatment and avoid them to resist the temptation to give them the beatings they so richly deserve.

An emo who considers him self a Goth. He usually beats on and makes fun of other emos even though there is virtually no difference between them and the other categories.

Emo Emo: My life sucks (sob), I hate you (sob), I hate myself, I hate my parents (sob) and I hate everything in this world! AHHHHHH (stabs self to death)

Soap Opera Emo: I got tickets to see Green Day! this is the best day of my life, I couldn't imagine being happier. wait, I have to take my little brother. NOOOOOO!!!! (cries). I think (sob) I'll go (sob) kill myself

Happy Emo: I got tickets to see Green Day, this is gona be awsome! Wait, I have to take my brother? Damn.

Fakemo: I'm goint to cut myself with this knife realy soon! I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna do it. Damn, I still cant do it. Okay, on the count of three, i'll drive this god damn Xacto into my wrist. Here it goes, One, two, THREE! Now I'm gona do it! I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna do it...

Emo-In-Denial: God I hate emos, I hate MCR, fallout Boy and all that shit poetry they write. They'll never understand true artists, like green day and my awsome poetry about death
Emo: uhhhhhh... whats the differnce?
EID: Shut the fuck up you emo fag

by Kalkazar October 25, 2007

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


an emo kid.
apathetic and melodramatic.
usually has black hair with a very emo side fringe.
black kohl rimmed eyes.
Emo is used to describe very emotional kids. They tend to cry a lot, and fall in love easily.
Sounds of emo originiated from punk, except the lyrics are emotional, and tend to dwell on feelings and relationships.

They wear band t-shirt, tight black drainpies, have studded belts, pearl necklaces and go to afflecks palace

They tend to slit their wrists.

An emoo kid, no conforming as can be.
I can't get through a hawthorne heights album without sobbing.
I stole my sisters mascara now im grounded for a week.

by Helena xxx April 7, 2006

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A bunch of pussy boys who think their life sucks when in actuality its better then most. They like to look up things on the emo corner and take quizzes on how emo they are, and when you try and tell them that you have it allot worse, they basically annoy the hell out of you about how much better your life is until you punch them and give them something to really cry about.

Girl 1: "Brandon is so annoying"

Girl 2: "What did Emo boy do now?"

Girl 1: " He was looking up how emo he was all day in computer class"

Girl 2: "God what fucking retard!"

by Jenovara November 9, 2008

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