A very cool penguin!!! Always nice to have around and will lighten the mode of any situation 🥰🥰🥰
“Blueberry is a real bozo” - Charlie
An Eton educated buffoon that ends up being promoted way beyond their ability, to say Prime Minister of England.
Typical traits are complete incompetence, bluster, relentless boosterism, glib catchphrases and embarrassing fluster and deflection whenever questioned by others about their latest failure.
1300 more covid deaths today, I wonder what blustering Bozo is going to come out with at 5pm
its basically a word for someone who you think is fucking stupid
why are you stuck in the washing machine bozo
Dude look it’s that guy who acts like he’s taller than he actually is! He’s such a Bozo
Big Overzealous Zeros whO are lame
"Yo That guy is a BOZO!"
Something Fatherless kids say to try and make someone feel bad about themselves. But it relentlessly backfires back at them just for saying the word.
Kid: Stop killing me you BOZO.
Me: Lol.